Thousands of boat owners live in the southeastern part of Florida. Not only are some of the state’s most popular cities clustered there – including many in Palm Beach County, like West Palm Beach and Boca Raton and farther south Fort Lauderdale and of course Miami – but the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean […]
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is home to thousands of boats of all types which is why yacht window tint is becoming popular. Anyone on or near the water in Fort Lauderdale will see sailboats, speedboats, fishing boats, and yachts of all types and sizes. The city is a premier destination for boating, thanks to its copious […]
People often talk about different kinds films and search for the “best window tint near me,” but have they thought about film and glass compatibility? There are two types of glass for vehicles which will appear when searching for “good window tinting near me in Fort Lauderdale FL:” Types of Glass 1. Laminated glass Laminated […]
After searching for “tint near me” and before completely committing to a window film service provider, you must first consider a few things such as the pricing, type of window film, the company’s experience, your expectations and where you can purchase the window tint. Here is a list of three things you need to consider […]
When you look up for “window tint near me” online, the results are mostly about its decorative and health benefits. But did you know that it can also help save and beautify the environment? Here’s how: It Can Reduce Carbon Footprint Carbon footprint is the number of compounds such as carbon dioxide emitted as a […]
It is crucial that you hire the best window tint company that will provide you with a quality and long-lasting home window tint. A tint is exposed to different damaging elements everyday, and as a result, most of them don’t last long. It is therefore fitting that every customer knows how to evaluate the tint […]
You might think searching for “tint near me” isn’t so worth it after all. Rest assured that is not the case. There are two sides to every story.In the case of window tint, the first side is the positive and popular side, which talks about the benefits of equipping your home or car window with […]
There are only few people who know the many benefits of window tint for cars, houses, buildings, and boats. Most of the time, it is considered part of the enhancement of their property. Here are the other important benefits of tinting your windows: Protection from ultraviolet rays from the sun Preservation of the interior parts […]
If you own a yacht, be it a Hatteras, Regal, or Viking brand vessel, you have made a great investment in a superlative craft. And whether you use your yacht to fish in the warm waters off the long Florida coastline, to travel up and down the Atlantic seaboard, or to casually motor around the […]
Life on the seas is a fantasy we’ve all had – soaking up the sun on the deck, relaxing to the sound of the water, dropping anchor for a swim or to gaze up at the stars. A yacht investment requires a hefty sum, so you’ll want to apply some customizations to further enhance your […]