How does security window film work?
A car’s windshield resists shattering thanks to a layer of laminate spread evenly across the surface of the glass; even when violently struck by heavy objects, a windshield won’t break apart – though indeed it may crack, no pieces will fly away from the sheet of glass. The windows of your Florida business can be made just as strong as that using security window films. These films are layered over the glass of your windows and, once properly bonded to the glass, they will ensure that even when struck with a brick or a crowbar, or when smashed by objects hurled by the gale-force winds unfortunately so frequent in our state, your windows will remain in one piece.

Once your windows are coated with security window film installed by the professionals from Energy Film Solutions, they will be virtually impregnable. Because windows treated with security films won’t shatter when struck, even the most determined burglar will likely give up and flee before successfully breaking and entering – the entire pane of glass would need to be knocked from its frame before your window would offer an entry point, because even the cracked glass will together as one solid mass. A thief may be able to ruin the view through your windows and damage some of the aesthetic appeal of your business, but they won’t be able to break through them and into your business. And windows can be replaced; your valuable property, or the wellbeing of your employees and clients, well… those are harder to repair than windows.

Personal Safety
A shattered window can create a serious safety hazard for anyone unlucky enough to be nearby when it happens, or to happen into the area littered with jagged glass after the fact. Security window films can stop dangerous shards of glass from flying into the air and keeps them from cracking away from the pane and falling to the floor by binding your windows into solidly resilient panels. Even in the dramatic event of an industrial accident, an attempted break-in, or a storm, your windows might be struck from outside, but no glass will go flying around inside.
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