How Does Window Film Help Save Energy in Your Home?

How Does Window Film Help Save Energy in Your Home?

How Does Window Film Help Save Energy in Your Home?

  • Home
  • Jaycee T
  • April 7, 2017

In modern technology, installing window films is a great way to make your windows at home more energy efficient. This works in terms of energy consumption for both heating and cooling in the home. The idea of installing window films is to retain the heat energy inside the house during the winter and to keep the heat and glare outside during the summer.

Windows films are basically designed to allow limited visible light, but at the same time block the infrared light. This is what causes the heat gain to be minimized during the summer and what is holding the warm air inside during winter. Installing windows films is also considered as one of the cheapest, easiest, but highly advantageous energy efficiency upgrade you can do in your own home.

Tinted Window Films

The tinted films are one of the products of old technology which utilizes the pigment or dye that is used to darken the window and absorb the light waves. However, this can cause warming up in the dye and will somehow still allow some amount of heat to pass through to the interior of the house.

Tinted window films are so dark, and they block a large amount of visible light that you often need additional artificial lighting inside.

How Does Window Film Help Save Energy in Your Home

High Reflectivity Window Films

The high reflectivity window films are considered to be the best window films that have the ability to block the summer heat. It is silvery and mirror-like which is caused by the metal oxide used in making this type of window film. They are also more effective compared to transparent or colored films.

While they are good during summer, they block the solar heat gain during the winter. This impairs the outside visibility, making it necessary to increase the artificial lighting inside.

Nevertheless, high reflectivity window films can be excellent especially in the kind of climate where there is a long cool season.

Low-Emissivity Window Films

The Low-Emissivity or Low-E window films are considered to be the most eco-friendly of all the window films available. They are designed to work both during summer season and winter season. Low-E window films can keep your house during the summer much cooler and the winter much warmer.

Low-E window films are also designed to allow the visible light to a maximum of about 80 percent while still being able to block both infrared and the ultraviolet radiation at about 60 percent. As of today, Low-E window films are known to be the best when it comes to energy-efficient window products.

When you think of installing window films, one of the main results is energy efficiency and cooling and heating savings. Find the best window film solution for your home now through the professionals at

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