Huper Optik Select Drei in Sanford

Huper Optik Select Drei in Sanford

Huper Optik Select Drei in Sanford

Those who’ve gone with the Huper Optik Select Drei in Sanford, Florida, or in nearby locales for that matter, are impressed with the window film’s ability to reject heat and broadly combat the sun’s powerful energy. This, of course, is in high demand in an area where sunshine is present for more than 200 days out of the year. The Sunshine State is a wonderful place to live in, with great climate, visual attractions, and plenty of opportunities for recreation. But for those who cannot stand its extremely hot weather, they have to tolerate it or take action.

Sanford and Greater Orlando Area Benefit From Quality Window Films

Enter Sanford and the Greater Orlando vicinity with the Huper Optik Select Drei. The Drei films are part of the Huper Optik Select Series of window films, touted for their use of advancements in the industry such as nanotechnology. These films are available for automotive and commercial and residential use to keep interiors cool and protect both the people and their properties. Huper Optik says this is the highest-performing, nonreflective film in the world. It takes advantage of a highly specialized reflective technology used on a NASA Space Shuttle to protect pilots during reentry into the atmosphere.

Space Shuttle Usage: Two-Fold Advantage

The key to the Space Shuttle application was vital protection, but so was an uncompromised view so pilots could get the huge spacecraft back to Earth safely. That’s a good analogy for usage on cars for the Huper Optik films. These window films use precious metals like silver and gold to let in as much light as possible while still rejecting the maximum amount of heat. By doing this, these films don’t increase the reflectivity of the glass which is also a no-no for those who depend on the ability to see inside-out as clearly as possible.

Super-blocker of UV Rays, Rejecter of Solar Energy

Sanford residents will be happy to know that the Huper Optik Select Drei window films reject more than 99 percent of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays known to cause skin cancer. On top of that, they perform up to 70 percent of total solar energy rejected (TSER), a metric used to quantify the amount of solar energy rejected. Window tint films with high TSER numbers are strong performers. They combat the sun’s rays and keep heat out of the interiors of cars, homes, and other properties. Along with its performance, the Huper Optik films are durable and can resist fading as seen with inferior window films.

Huper Optik Select Drei Films by the Numbers

Specifications for the Huper Optik window films depend on whether you choose films for single- or double-pane glasses because a single-pane glass is most common, especially on cars. Let’s focus on those. The Drei films offer a 12 percent visible light rejection (VLR) and a 98 percent rejection rate for infrared (IR) rays. Its glare rejection measurement is a solid 61 percent, falling in line with what they knew for the Space Shuttle.

For a double-pane glass, the numbers differ a little, except in TSER where it falls at 58 percent. For more information about the Huper Optik Select Drei films in Sanford or nearby communities, please contact us today!

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