5 Fun Facts About the History of Car Window Tint

5 Fun Facts About the History of Car Window Tint

5 Fun Facts About the History of Car Window Tint

If this is your first time to come across car window tint, you may think of it as the 20th century modern discovery. However, the tinted glass windows you often notice on vehicles today have long been into the automobile market as far as 300 B.C. It may be unbelievable, but it’s older than you can ever imagine.

It Has Ancient Culture Origin

The ancient Romans, Mesopotamians, and Egyptians were behind today’s window tint. Egyptians and Mesopotamians were the pioneers of glass-making technology. Later, they discovered a way to tint and put embellishments to these glasses, making it a symbol of luxury during 350 B.C. Meanwhile, in Medieval Europe around 100 A.D., the Romans were already using metallic oxide powders to color palaces glass windows, mosques, and churches.

EZ Eye: The First US Car Tint Manufacturer

After the invention of automobiles in the 18th century, people became thrilled about this four-wheeled invention. After some time, they noticed how it could  be so hot inside the car during the day. In the United States, it was the EZ Eye Company that people first heard of window tinting.

You may wonder, “How much is to tint windows around Port St Lucie FL before?” Well, make an intelligent guess.How much could it be for the classic 58 Chevy Impala as it’s one of the first cars to be tinted by EZ Eye.

Spray-On Window Film Was a Trend

There were only limited results if you try and search “auto tint near me around Port St Lucie FL” during the 1900’s. This is because there were only a few shops even though people were already aware of its benefits. Fortunately, a DIY spray-on window film was established by a small industry, and it quickly became a trendy alternative for people with less income. Dye-based films came next during those years, but they don’t reflect as much heat as the original.

Metallic Sun Control Films Was Introduced in 1966

Contrary to people who search “ceramic window tint near me in Port St Lucie FL”and believing that it was the first to enter the market, it was not the first one. Known as an effective reflector of harmful UV rays, metallic tints were first used in 1966. After three years, security window films became a standard feature of automobile tints because of the Europe bombing incident.

There Are Hybrid Window Films Now

The innovation of window tints continues, and more features are being developed to make it more effective and cost-friendly. Today, almost all auto tinting service near Port St Lucie FL will offer hybrid window films. It can contain a mixture of metal, ceramic, and other heat-blocking particles to keep you more comfortable and safe on the road.

Knowing the history of the beneficial window tint is essential for you to know which is good and which has been developed to a better quality. Having this knowledge will have to motivate you to tint car windows in Port St Lucie FL.

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