Frequently Asked Questions about Marine Window Films

Frequently Asked Questions about Marine Window Films

Frequently Asked Questions about Marine Window Films

  • Marine
  • Jaycee T
  • April 5, 2017

What Are the Benefits of Window Films?

The marine window films block about 98 to 99 percent of the UV rays from the sun which are harmful to the skin as well as to furnishings. It also increases the level of comfort by reducing heat gain and the glare from the sunlight.

Window films also increase the privacy level and security from shards when a glass window breaks which can cause injuries.

How Does Window Film Work?

Window films block heat energy by reflecting it back to where it came from.

Can Window Films Prevent Glass Windows From Breaking?

While marine window films help keep glass windows become tougher, they generally do not prevent windows from breaking. However, when a window glass breaks, the window films keep the glass pieces glued together which prevents the shards from flying in different directions and causing injuries.

What Causes Fading?

Fading is generally caused by the UV rays from the sun; it causes about 40 percent of all fading instances. The other 25 percent of fading is caused by the heat from the sun, another 25 percent from visible light, and the last 10 percent of fading is caused by other factors such as artificial light, the age of fabrics, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions about Marine Window Films

How Do We Clean Window Films?

In cleaning marine window films, it is recommended to use a standard household glass cleaning solution or soapy water with a soft cloth or a rubber squeegee. Using abrasive materials can scratch the window film or may cause it to fade.

Is a Window Film Scratch-Proof?

While there are window films that have scratch-resistant properties, there is generally nothing that is considered as scratch-proof. Window films can be efficient and can be effective for a long time when taken with care and precaution especially when cleaning.

Why Choose Professionals to Install Window Films?

Hiring professionals and experts to install your marine window films will give you the guarantee that quality materials are used, and only the best craftsmanship is achieved at a much precise amount of time.

The warranty also comes if there is anything wrong with the installation which means you don’t have to pay for any re-work.

How Do Window Films Stick into the Glass?

Manufacturers develop their own patented adhesive formulas in order to stick the window film on the glass window. These adhesive formulas are also called as mounting adhesives which are used the same way as other types of adhesives.

Having answers to some of the basic questions about window films will give ideas about its benefits and advantages. Find your own window tinting solution now, visit

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