Boat Solar Window Film Care and Maintenance

Boat Solar Window Film

Boat Solar Window Film Care and Maintenance

The window films are applied directly on the outer surface of a glass window of a sea vehicle as a self-adhesive. This cosmetic addition provides better sunlight control, enhanced appearance, and more safety to the vehicle passenger. The amount of light passing through the window films depends on the types of film used, such as non-reflective films that absorb solar energy, reflective films that reflect as well as absorb solar energy, and ceramic window films that reduce glare and provide high performance. The reflective window films do a better job of light and heat control than non-reflective window films as they are designed to both reflect and absorb glare and heat. Here are some routine maintenance procedures that installed window films must undergo to deliver the maximum benefits.

Boat Solar Window Film

Boat Solar Window Film

Marine Window Film Dry Time and Curing

Right after installation, the window films generally develop some water pockets on the surface of the glass leading to a hazy view. This normal process is known as “curing,” which can last all the way up to a month. The reason this curing process is so slow is because the water used in bonding the film with the glass surface has to completely evaporate. The heavy-duty, safer window films may take even longer to dry and provide crystal clear view through the glass windows. So long there is any water trapped in the bonding surface, the view through the window will remain somewhat unclear. The yacht crew will have to wait for the water to completely dry up before proceeding with the next maintenance procedure.

Boat Solar Window Film

Boat Solar Window Film

Cleaning the Boat Solar Window Film

When the water droplets evaporate and the curing is over, it is time for cleaning the window film. It is not safe to clean the film unless the water pockets have disappeared. The most effective cleaning solution is prepared with water and soap. The large bay windows of a yacht will have to be cleaned the same way car windows are cleaned. The windows will first have to be thoroughly cleaned with soap water, and then pat dried. The soap water solution can even be substituted by a standard, commercial window cleaner of average strength. Ammonia-rich products can be used in small quantities, but the cleaner should be immediately wiped out. The items that are forbidden in a yacht window cleaning job are harsh, industrial-strength glass cleaners and sharp cleaning objects that scratch the surface of the glass window film. The delicate surface of tinted windows should only be cleaned with soft and gently wipers or non-abrasive materials.

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